New W.H.O. study confirms links between noise and ill health

In late 2018 the World Health Organisation  (W.H.O.) issued new guidelines for noise across Europe. Its chief conclusions were that current government policies and targets on noise are inadequate and out of date and that new targets need to be set. The W.H.O. recommendsedtough new limits on aircraft noise both at day and at night.  Affected communities should be consulted about changes in flight paths and the construction of additional runways. The adverse effects of noise on health, with sleep deprivation leading to lack of concentration, especially among children, and to accidents at people work and while driving, are well established. New evidence has emerged to show that night time noise can cause cardiovascular disease, particularly for those living under flight paths. Even while a person is asleep, noise can cause the release of stress hormones, damaging blood vessels, including the coronary arteries. Three quarters of the population in Britain live in areas where night-time safe noise levels are exceeded.  So noise really is a major health hazard, even for those not fully aware of it.   Piped music, when unwanted and impossible to escape, becomes just another form of noise.