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Sign the petition to Parliament!


A petition to Parliament calling for ambient music to be banned from certain public places, principally hospitals and medical centres, has been started by Pipedown member James Lawrence.

He argues: Hospitals and public transport, which almost everyone at times has to use, should always be places free of unnecessary extra noise. Private concerns, which most of also have at times to use, such as supermarkets, should also be discouraged from assaulting customers and staff with continual noise.

It has long been established that loud, aggressive ambient music can cause psychological and hearing damage and generally cause people stress. It is a form of psychological pollution, just as smoking pollutes the lungs.


More than half of MPs in the House of Commons are new. Many will never have given a moment’s thought to the problems caused by noise in general and by piped music in particular. Now is the time to write your MP (you can only write to the MP of your own constituency) about noise problems, while the MP. is still relatively fresh and not overwhelmed by floods of requests. Mention the points listed in the Fact Sheet and also in the varied on-line posts. Ask them if they would be interested in coming to a meeting about noise pollution. And please let Pipedown know their replies.

Lidl piped music alert!

Reports have been coming in that some branches of Lidl – the famously cheap and up to now famously muzac-free supermarket chain – have recently installed piped music. (Other people shopping at Lidlt have not discovered this – not yet,) Whether this is an experiment with just a few branches or the beginning of a nationwide plan to inflict muzac on shoppers and staff alike in all Lidl stores is not yet apparent, What is clear is that this needs concerted protest now,

Write to Lidl’s CEO Mr Ryan McDonnell at to protest – vehemently, cogently but politely – against this ill-conceived move. Point out all the usual drawbacks of piped music – see the Fact Sheet and recent newsletters. Also stress that one of Lidl’s USPs has always been its peaceful atmosphere. If this is wrecked, the many people who find piped music intolerable, including all those with autism, ME, hyperacusis and other hearing problems are going to avoid Lidl’s stores like the plague.

Morrisons Goes Quieter

Supermarket chain Morrisons has changed its shopping rules. The supermarket currently has quiet hours between 9am and 10am on Saturdays, plus the first hour of opening on Sundays. It has now extended its quiet hours to include 2pm to 3pm every Monday to Thursday.

The announcement coincided with World Autism Acceptance Week from April 2 to April 8. The chain declared: ‘The initiative is for people who may struggle with music and other loud noises, for example those who have been diagnosed as autistic.’ Daniel Cadey of the National Autistic Society said: ‘Around 700,000 people are on the autism spectrum in the UK. This means they see, hear and feel the world differently to other people, often in a more intense way. Morrisons’ Quieter Hour is a step in the right direction for autistic people who find supermarket shopping a real struggle.’ (A Quieter Hour involves dimming lights, turning piped music and radios off, also making no loud tannoy announcements, plus turning down checkout beeps and other electrical noises.)

This is very good news from a large supermarket chain, not just for those with autism or the many other problems that make people unusually vulnerable to noise, but for everyone who hates piped music. We comprise about a third of the population, according to most surveys. We should quote Morrisons’ move to other chains in arguments and push Morrisons itself to extend their Quiet Hours much further, because most of the time their supermarkets are still cacophonous.