Lidl piped music alert!

Reports have been coming in that some branches of Lidl – the famously cheap and up to now famously muzac-free supermarket chain – have recently installed piped music. (Other people shopping at Lidlt have not discovered this – not yet,) Whether this is an experiment with just a few branches or the beginning of a nationwide plan to inflict muzac on shoppers and staff alike in all Lidl stores is not yet apparent, What is clear is that this needs concerted protest now,

Write to Lidl’s CEO Mr Ryan McDonnell at to protest – vehemently, cogently but politely – against this ill-conceived move. Point out all the usual drawbacks of piped music – see the Fact Sheet and recent newsletters. Also stress that one of Lidl’s USPs has always been its peaceful atmosphere. If this is wrecked, the many people who find piped music intolerable, including all those with autism, ME, hyperacusis and other hearing problems are going to avoid Lidl’s stores like the plague.

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